
Friday, October 30, 2020

Vegan Vitamins

Although I am a food blogger, certified cooking specialist, and yoga instructor, I am not a medical doctor -- just to be clear. But, somehow, I suddenly feel compelled to write about vitamins. It's funny, but, not too long ago, I was completely against vitamins. I always felt, and still somewhat feel, that you should be able to get all of your vitamins, minerals, and nutrients from food.

The problem is that we can't always eat balanced diets that provide us with all the vitamins, minerals, and nutrients we need to stay 100% healthy. So, in the absence of a completely balanced diet, I am now convinced that supplements are the way to go.

To begin, I would highly recommend getting a full blood profile completed at a laboratory. That is, getting bloodwork done that shows the levels of vitamins and nutrients in your bloodstream -- namely vitamin B12, vitamin D, calcium and magnesium (they go hand in hand), zinc, iron, and vitamin C. 

It was only recently, in the last few years, that Americans started getting tested for vitamin D and most Americans came up as deficient. I was no different. In fact, I was "dangerously deficient," as my doctor said, as most diets (not just vegan) are deficient in Vitamin D. And if you aren't getting enough sunlight, then you can't compensate for that. So, I started taking Deva Vitamin D2 60 mcg every day and voila! my Vitamin D levels were back to the healthy, normal range. This is despite the fact that I did not take Vitamin D3 (usually not vegan) as they advised and instead took Vitamin D2 (vegan). In the end, they just said that I should continue to take whatever I took because it worked. So there!

As a vegan, I also think it is important to take Vitamin B12 as that is a vitamin that is no longer present in most diets and especially not in vegan diets. A sublingual vitamin is best. For me, I've chosen the Deva B12 Fast Dissolve with Folic Acid & B6 and it has worked well for me. I take one a day and have never been deficient in this vitamin.

I've also recently started taking Deva Vegan Hair Nails & Skin with Biotin and my hair stylist has said that my hair looks so good now. :-)

In addition, I also take calcium and magnesium supplements because...well, why not.

So, that's my two cents on supplements. Again, I'm not a doctor, but I thought it would be helpful to share my experience.

So, in summary, I am now a proponent of supplements. I have been tested for blood vitamin levels and been found to be deficient in just a couple. After just a couple of months taking the appropriate vitamin supplement, my blood vitamin levels returned to normal -- every time.

Consult with your doctor and find out if these supplements might be right for you. If so, you may consider starting with the Deva Vitamins as they are 100% vegan. For example, here is the Vegan Hair Nails & Skin.

Full Disclosure: This is post contains sponsored content, but my thoughts are still veracious. I love Deva Vitamins. :-)